Thursday, January 27, 2011

Antelope Island becomes a movie star again in 2010

Movie making is serious business (even comedies) - and everyone knows that Utah has long been a place for some serious, and not so serious flicks and television shows.

The Davis Film Commissioner is our own John Wilson, who has passed a rigorous test to earn that title. His responsbilities include helping film producers and location scouts with site selection, promoting Davis County as a "stage" for filming, and also housing cast and crew for the filming duration once they decide to film here.

One of the most recent films is called "For Robbing the Dead". It is the story of a fellow named Jean Baptiste who was employed as a gravedigger, but arrested in 1862 for robbing up to 300 graves - or rather - burying people in their birthday suits, after removing clothing that he felt was of value. Although the clothing was found stored in an orderly fashion, it seems that he could have starred in a modern-day episode of "Hoarders". He had no excuses; he wasn't profiting from the "haul" - he simply "did it". Little is known of the actual facts, but summaries of his case are found here or here and elsewhere (just do a Google search).

In any case, it was felt that he would be lynched if he was released, or killed if he went to prison, because the crime was so heinous for its time. For instance, BY had to reassure the religious that their loved ones would not be nekkid and hunting for fig leaves upon their resurrection. For his own safety, he was exiled instead to a deserted island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Some feel it was Antelope Island, others feel that he was banished to Fremont Island.

It wasn't until 2010 that someone decided to make a film about the experience. John helped with the scouting on Antelope Island, and found lodging for the crew here on the mainland. (If you remember the first "Superman" movie, Margot Kidder (Lois Lane) is one of the stars).

The film will be called "For Robbing the Dead" - and a number of trailers can be found on YouTube and Facebook. Use "FRTD" when searching.

Stay tuned for more flicks, TV shows and commercials as John brings more "show business" to Davis County. If we need extras, we'll put out a casting call.

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