Monday, February 15, 2010

Pats on our Backs

We had an intern in our office the other day. He said that he never realized that that there was such a thing as a CVB. On the way to work this morning, the DJ was saying that he had returned from a weekend conference in Sonoma CA for DJays. He never knew that DJays got together to discuss and learn about their craft - then he rhetorically asked if there were such things for hair dressers, security guards, accountants and hotel clerks.
Of course there are... and CVBs across the country work with them. The DACVB is directly responsible for booking over 17,000 room nights in Davis County in 2009. That's a lot of conference-goers - and a lot of extra income that would not be coming to the county unless the DACVB was out there knocking on doors (and making phone calls and sending emails) and inviting the DJays, the hairdressers, skiers, accountants, the farmers, the Kiwanis clubs, the equine & dog clubs and other groups to come to our state, county and cities.
We're anonymous - like the guys who always seem to be there when we throw a light switch - but we're working behind the scenes to make the county better, cooler, faster, richer (they call it "economic impact") and more interesting!

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